Locations: Contact us
Province of New South Wales
The Deputy – V∴Ill∴Bro. Ian Fletcher 33°
The Provincial Grand Secretary
Ill. Bro. Arthur Macken 32°
Mobile: 0438 767 264
Email: PGS.NSW@scottishrite.com.au
Province of Victoria
The Deputy – V∴Ill∴Bro. Neil Nyholm 33°
The Provincial Grand Secretary
Ill.Bro. Terry Webster 31°
Mobile: 0425 755 225
Email: PGS.VIC@scottishrite.com.au
The Deputy – V∴Ill∴Bro. Cliff Isted 33°
The Provincial Grand Secretary
V∴Ill∴Bro. Haydn McBryde 33°
Mobile: 0458 497 031
Email: PGS.QLD@scottishrite.com.au
Province of South Queensland – Metropolitan District
Province of Carpentaria
The Deputy: V∴Ill∴Bro. Joseph Lynd 33°
Mobile: 07 4036 0564
Email: jandslynd@aapt.net.au
The Provincial Grand Secretary
Ill. Bro. Rick Schmidt 32°
Mobile: 0427 554 051
Email: theschmidthouse@iinet.net.au
Province of South Queensland – North Coast & Central
The Deputy: V∴Ill∴Bro. Ted Ruska 33°
Mobile: 0492 865 661
Email: tedruska@gmail.com
The Provincial Grand Secretary
Ill. Bro. Tony Ozanne 30°
Mobile: 0413 612 141
Email: tony@ozsouvenirs.net.au
Province of South Queensland – Darling Downs
Deputy: V∴Ill∴Bro. Noel Mapes 33°
Email: mapes@westnet.com.au
Mobile: 0429 003 727
The Provincial Grand Secretary: Ill∴Bro. Duncan McGregor 31°
Email: pgs.sqdd@scottishrite.com.au
Mobile: 0417 743 663
Provincial Administrator:
Please note all Rite bodies in this Province meet at either 1.00pm or 1.30pm in the afternoon.
Western Australia
The Secretary Inglewood Sovereign Chapter No.111
Ill. Bro. Ian Mansfield 31°
Mobile: 0413 620 746
Email: imann3@bigpond.com